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viernes, 14 de julio de 2017

S h e g l i t ♡ A Gothic Lolita's Dream

I would like to share one of my recent favourite brands: Sheglit. It is a japanese brand which designs are mainly elegant and gothic. Refined, classical and elegant shapes are some characteristics of the brand that made me fell totally in love with it!♡

I found out about this brand last year at my country's National Tea Party with Yuko Ashizawa (Atelier Pierrot's designer), as she sells the brand on AP's shop, and had a second chance of seeing it back in April because of my Japan trip but unfortunately in both occasions I had not the opportunity of buying any thing... 

Here are the items which have made me dream about for some time!

♡ "Servant"ボウタイブラウス
♡ "Arcturus"タックブラウス
I really love blouses with a bow tie on the neck! I like the contrast between them: one looking more sober and casual while the other more elegant with lacy details.♡

♡ "Orléans"レースアップベスト
♡ Cape Bolero ケープカラーボレロ 
I do not really wear overdresses but this one looks just so perfect! It adds a real goth touch in your coord! And the beautiful cape bolero.. what can I say? Flawless!♡

♡ "Spread"アシンメトリースカート
♡ "Restraint"レザーコルセット
The pleated, asymmetric cut of the skirt is everything.♡ I saw the corset and it was just too beautiful at my eyes! First at the Tea Party's fashion show and then at Laforet, what a gloom I felt for not being able to buy it! But I know you will be mine! 

♡ "Holy"バッスルショートワンピース
♡ "Cattleya"クラシカルワンピース
I know many Lolitas prefer JSK because of the multiple coords you can create with them just changing the accessories, easier than coordinating with OPs, but I definitely prefer OPs! Especially high-neck, long-sleeve, black OPs♡ Do I need to say some thing more? Haha

♡ "Lycoris Fawn"ドレスワンピース
♡ "Victorian"バッスルワンピース 
And of course, the longer the OP is, the better.

Here are some of my favourite coordinates by the brand!

I really hope to get something from Sheglit!♡ I think it works fine for both elegant and casual thanks to its sobriety and lack of print (which is definitely not needed!) My only complain about it is the price of course, but ahhh, all Lolita brands are so expensive! Sheglit's prices are not a surprice considering that. But one day...

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